Other Commercial Applications

    Contact SunSoft (or Sun) and ask for the Catalyst OPEN LOOK guide,
    which lists over 200 pages of applications.

    You can also get the free CDWare CD/ROM, which contains demo versions
    of several popular OPEN LOOK UI applications.  Once you've done this,
    you can often simply contact the vendor concerned to have the license
    upgraded from demo, and receive the full product documentation.

Product Name: Author/Editor - SGML-based text editor/word processor
Company Name: SoftQuad Inc., +1 416 239 4801, mail@sq.com
    Word processor or text editor that manipulates ISO 8879 SGML documents.
Interfaces: OPEN LOOK UI (XView), OSF/Motif, Mac, MS/Windows

Product Name: Poplog
Contact (Educational):
    Poplog Sales,
    School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences, Brighton, BN1 9QN, England
Phone: +44 (0)273 678188
Email: popsales@cogs.susx.ac.uk
Contact (Educational, USA):
    Computable Functions Inc. 35 South Orchard Drive, Amherst, MA 01002, USA
Phone: (413) 253-7637
Contact (Other):
    Integral Solutions Ltd., Unit 3, Campbell Court, Bramley,
    Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG26 5EG, England.
Phone:  +44 (0)256 882028
Fax:    +44 (0)256 882182
Email:  isl@integ.uucp
Interfaces: OPEN LOOK, Motif, Athena, Custom (poplog)
Platforms: Sun, DEC, Solbourne, MIPS, Silicon Graphics, HP, VAX, 386 soon
Source-Available: Libraries: Yes; System: Academic only.
    A integrated programming environment consisting of Pop-11, Prolog,
    Standard ML, and Lisp, all compiled to machine code via a common virtual
    machine.  Pop-11 provides a rich interface to the X Toolkit from all the
    Poplog languages.  The OLIT, Motif, and Athena widget sets are supported,
    and also the custom Poplog (Xpw) widget set.  Includes XVed, a customisable
    multi-window editor.  Under the OPEN LOOK UI and OSF/Motif the Poplog User
    Interface (PUI) provides a graphical interface to the Poplog system.
    High-level libraries allow graph drawing, turtle graphics, and the simple
    creation of basic button/menu based interfaces.

Parent document is top of "OPEN LOOK GUI FAQ 04/04: List of programs with an OPEN LOOK UI"
Previous document is "Tools: Terminal Emulators"
Next document is "Applications: toolkit Extensions"