OpenWindows 3 imake doesn't work properly Here is Greg Earle's patch, to be applied in $OPENWINHOME; note that you should edit lib/config/ afterwards to get OSName and OSMinorVersion right (MinorVersion is 1 in SunOS 4.1.2, for example). I have edited the patch a little, so any bugs are mine [] :-)

*** bin/xmkmf.orig	Wed Sep 18 07:02:02 1991
--- bin/xmkmf	Tue Aug  6 00:39:20 1991
*** 30,34 ****
  elif [ -n "$OPENWINHOME" ]; then
! 	args="-DUseInstalled $OPENWINHOME/lib/config"
--- 30,34 ----
  elif [ -n "$OPENWINHOME" ]; then
! 	args="-I$OPENWINHOME/lib/config -DUseInstalled -DXCOMM='/**/#'"
*** lib/config/site.def.orig	Wed Sep 18 01:26:19 1991
--- lib/config/site.def	Tue Aug  6 00:44:37 1991
*** 0 ****
--- 1,7 ----
+ #define BinDir $(OPENWINHOME)/bin
+ #define LibDir $(OPENWINHOME)/lib
+ #define IncRoot $(OPENWINHOME)/share/include
+ #define InstallNonExecFile(file,dest)					@@\
+ install:: file								@@\
+ 	$(INSTALL) -c $(INSTDATFLAGS) file dest
+ #define NullParameter

Parent document is top of "OPEN LOOK GUI FAQ 03/04: the XView Toolkit"
Previous document is "how do I make an XView button look pressed? call panel_begin_preview() and panel_cancel_preview(); these are documented in -- er -- the XView 3 source..."
Next document is "The pop-up menu in my canvas has funny colours You need to use CMS_CONTROL_CMS when you create the CMS for your canvas. This allocates the OPEN LOOK UI 3D colors at the start of the colormap. The foreground color lives right at the end."