OPEN LOOK GUI FAQ 02/04: Sun OpenWindows DeskSet Questions
Archive-name: open-look/02-deskset
Last-Modified: Feb 1 23:03
Sun DeskSet is the collection of tools you get with OpenWindows;
some of these are being ported to Motif for COSE/CDE: cm, mailtool, maybe
[1] What are the default key bindings in textedit and elsewhere?
[2] What can I put in my .ttysrc? Where is it documented?
[3] Is there a tty-based interface to cm (Calendar Manager)?
[4] How can I arrange to have my .signature included in my outgoing mail?
[1] What are the default key bindings in textedit and elsewhere?
See the man page for textedit(1) for some of them.
In general, the editing/moving commands go in the opposite direction when
shifted - e.g. Ctrl+w deletes a word, and Ctrl+W deletes the word to the
right of the insert point.
Meta-i - include file Meta-f - find selection (forward/backward)
Ctrl-a - start of line Ctrl-< - back word
Ctrl-e - end of line Ctrl-> - forward word
Ctrl-w - delete word Ctrl-u - delete to start/END of line
Ctrl-Return - move to end/START of document
See the O'Reilly XView Reference Manual for a list of some of the default
keys; see also the olwm or olvwm manual page.
[2] What can I put in my .ttysrc? Where is it documented?
See the manual page for shelltool.
Subject: DeskSet, Mailtool, Calendar Manager, etc.
[3] Is there a tty-based interface to cm (Calendar Manager)?
Yes, cm_delete, cm_insert and cm_lookup; these all have manual pages.
If "man cm_delete" doesn't work or gives strange messages, see under
Trouble Shooting: Strange Error Messages, below.
On Solaris 2.3, cm_lookup may be broken (and maybe cm_delete & cm_insert
are too), as it always uses a date in 1970 if you give it an invalid date.
The Solaris 2.2 and 2.4 ones seem more tolerant of date formats.
[4] How can I arrange to have my .signature included in my outgoing mail?
The best way is:
$ cd
$ cp /usr/lib/.textswrc .
$ chmod +w .textswrc
edit .textswrc (use vi, textedit, or whatever you prefer)
add the follwing:
cat ~/.signature
(you might need to change ~ to $HOME)
Now pressing R3 will insert your .signature file.
[5] How can I get mailtool to send mime messages by default?
Add the following two lines to your .mailrc:
set strictmime
set sendrfc
WARNING: some versions of mailtool (up to and including Solaris 2.3,
maybe 2.4 as well) will corrupt MIME messages that they receive when
you save your mail. There's a patch for this.
Also, the sendrfc and strictmime options are unsupported and undocumented.
[END of deskset FAQ]
# @(#) $Id: ol2.faq,v 1.5 96/02/01 23:03:48 lee Exp $
Liam Quin, SoftQuad Inc +1 416 239 4801 lee@sq.com
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