Bibliography: books, manuals, journals, papers, beer-mats
The OPEN LOOK (tm) Graphical Interface is documented in two books:
Sun Microsystems Inc., `OPEN LOOK Graphical User Interface Application
Style Guidelines', Addison Wesley, 1989
Sun Microsystems Inc., `OPEN LOOK Graphical User Interface Functional
Specification', Addison Wesley
The Main documentation for the X Window system comes from
O'Reilly & Associates in about nine or ten volumes.
The most useful for OPEN LOOK users are:
Volume 1: XLib Programming Manual
Volume 2: XLib Reference Manual
Volume 3: X Window System User's Guide
(An OPEN LOOK edition of Volume 3 should appear later this year)
Volume 7: XView Programmer's Manual [Dan Heller]
[make sure you get the edition for XView 3.2]
Companion to Volume 7: XView Reference Manual [Ed. Thomas Van Raalte]
The Companion to Volume 7 is an expanded version of the Attribute
Summary from the previous edition of the XView Programming Manual,
together with other reference information, so that in practice you
have to buy both books.
Unfortunately, the 3.2 edition covers the features new since 3.0
only in an appendix, but it's still pretty helpful, and the attributes
have been merged in the summary; in addition, much of the book has
been reworked, so that it's worth considering the 3.2 edition even
if you're using 3.0.
O'Reilly also have a thinnish orange book on the differences between
X11R4 and RX115.
OLIT programmers will also want the Xt books - volumes 4 and 5.
There is a new big fat green Vol 5 updated for X11R5. Make sure you
don't get the Motif versions of these books by mistake.
A journal, The X Resource, may also be of interest.
O'Reilly & Associates, 103 Morris Street, Suita A, Sebastopol, CA 95472
+1 707 829-0515, or, in the USA and Canada only, 1-800-998-9938
Fax: +1 707-829-0104.
Email or uunet!ora!nuts.
For other distributors: mail, FAX, or call +1 707-829-0515.
Some of the O'Reilly examples are available for ftp from in the contrib/OReilly directory.
The System V Release 4 Documentation from Prentice Hall may also include
a section on OpenWindows.
David Miller describes programming with OLIT in his
`An OPEN LOOK At Unix' (M&T press).
Nabajyoti Brkakati gives an excellent introduction to X and to OLIT
programming, as well as setting up and using X and OpenWindows, in:
`Unix[R] Desktop Guide to OPEN LOOK' SAMS, 1992 ISBN 0-672-30023-0
You can get the examples from this book as
Also about using OLIT, and Xt in particular:
The X Window System: Programming and Applications with Xt,
OPEN LOOK Edition, Doug Young and John Pew, Prentice Hall, 1992,
ISBN 0-13-982992-X
There are also HP Widgets and Motif versions of this book.
The example source code in this book can be obtained by ftp from, file "contrib/young.pew.olit.Z".
There is an introduction to XView in
`Writing Applications For Sun Systems', Vol 1, `A Guide for
Macintosh(R) Programmers' (Sun Microsystems, pub. Addison Wesley)
Another recent XView book is
`Practical XView Programming', Kenneth W. Bibb and Larry Wake,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1993, ISBN 0-471-57460-0
You can get the examples from this book as
Neither of these two XView books elimiates the need for the O'Reilly
X Series vols 1, 2 and 7.
To learn more about the NeWS and PostScript languages, see
The NeWS Book, Springer Verlag, 1989 (sadly, a little out of date)
PostScript Language Reference Manual, Second Edition,
Adobe Systems Inc., Addison Wesley, 1990 ["the Red Book"]
Note that OpenWindows 3 is a level 1 PostScript implementation,
with certain Level 2 features (such as Composite Fonts) to some
PostScript Language Tutorial and Cookbook,
Adobe Systems Inc., Addison Wesley, 1985 ["The blue book"]
There are several books on using Solaris (i.e. SunOS).
See the FAQ in the Solaris newsgroup. I'll mention here:
`Solaris Porting Guide', SunSoft ISV Engineering et. al.,
1993, SunSoft Press (Prentice Hall), ISBN 0-13-030396-8
for an excellent (if sometimes over-ebullient) introduction to the
differences and new features of Solaris 2, including a clear section
on localisation and internationalisation. Includes diskette.
Sun also supplies a large amount of documentation with OpenWindows,
although you may have to order it separately. Here's what I have; they
are each a little over 21 cm square (wider than A4 paper), and vary from
about 1 cm to about 3cm thick. They say `User's Guide' or `Programmer's
Guide' on the front. The User manuals have a red stripe on the bottom,
and the Programmer ones have a green stripe.
the Solaris 2 documentation sets are red, blue and silver.
Watch in particular for small spiral-bound task-oriented `how-to'
booklets in the Solaris 2 documentation.
Here are the OpenWindows 3.0 part numbers for SunOs 4:
800-6006-10 OpenWindows Version 3 Release Manual
800-6029-10 OpenWindows Version 3 Installation and Start-Up Guide
800-6231-10 OpenWindows Version 3 DeskSet Reference Guide
800-6618-10 OpenWindows Version 3 User's Guide
800-6323-10 Desktop Integration Guide [also available in bookstores?]
800-6027-10 Programmer's Guide
800-6005-10 OpenWindows Version 3 Reference Manual [the man pages]
800-6319-10 The NeWS Toolkit 3.0 Reference Manual
800-6736-10 NeWS 3.0 Programming Guide
800-6055-10 OLIT 3.0 Widget Set Reference Manual
800-6198-10 XView 3.0 Reference Manual: Converting SunView Applications
800-6854-10 F3 Font Format Specification [order separately]
There are also some other sets of documentation, including the TypeScaler
documentation from the OpenFonts group, for example. There doesn't seem
to be a complete list anywhere.
??????????? ToolTalk 1.0 Setup and Administration Guide (SunSoft, 1991)
800-6093-10 ToolTalk 1.0 Programmer's Guide (SunSoft, 1991)
There might be documentation about the Link Manager somewhere, too;
I am not sure what happened to the Link Manager, is that part of DOE??
AT&T includes several large thorny bushes' worth of paper with OLIT.
Sun's AnswerBook CD/ROM contains a lot of the above documentation.
Volume 8 of the O'Reilly series is about X Administration, and mentions
OpenWindows, although it is primarily aimed at X11R5. A CD/ROM is
included, which contains a working X11R5 distribution. This book will
be of particular use with OpenWindows 2.3, based on X11R5.
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